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dc.contributor.advisorMacías Guzmán, Eugenia
dc.contributor.authorVélez Vargas, Jorge Luis
dc.descriptionFacultad de Contaduría y Ciencias Administrativas. Licenciatura en Contaduríaes_MX
dc.description.abstractPAYMENT REFERENCED. The payment is an obligation referenced gradually has allowed taxpayers to file their returns on a monthly basis. At this time all Morales People are obliged to affect it. Physical persons who have declared higher income total or one million pesos should use the corresponding payments tied to August is presented in September and subsequent months. Physical persons who have declared full or income above $ 250,000. Weights should use the referenced payment corresponding to October presented in November and subsequent. Here is a guide for the presentation of Withholding (ISR salaries) online, offline and when additional obligations are modified. The application OFFLINE, allows: Export declaration, save it to disk terminated. Import a previously saved xml declaration PC with xml termination. , allowing it to continue working load filling offline for later delivery. TYPES OF ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS. Changing Obligations. When payment noted in the catch line or lapses are performed. When related to the tax assessment or determination of the payment data is modified. Note that this type of supplementary declaration, no account computation within 3 complementary to those entitled to file. To annul the obligation. Statements to correct errors in the payment period or concept before tax reported what was done by correction of payments. Obligation not presented. When it failed to declare one or more obligations when you have an obligation has not registered indicate other obligations. It is worth mentioning that this does not excuse present update of activities since MI PORTAL .When it comes to a supplementary statement submitted no obligations, just enter the file that was pending.en
dc.description.abstractEl régimen de incorporación Fiscal es una nueva ley que entro en vigor en el mes de enero 2014. La definición del régimen de incorporación Fiscal es integrar a la formalidad tributaria a contribuyentes que realizan actividades empresariales que no cuentan con un registro federal de contribuyentes, es decir que no están contribuyente, es decir que no están contribuyendo al gasto público. Para los pagos del Régimen de Incorporación Fiscal va ser bimestralmente y definitivos. Al igual tendrán un estímulo fiscal en el ISR e IVA. En el Régimen de Incorporación Fiscal podrán llevar contabilidad por fuera o a través de la página del Servicio de Administración Tributaria. Al igual en el Régimen de Incorporación Fiscal podrán facturar o a través de la página del SAT.es_MX
dc.publisherUniversidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgoes_MX
dc.subjectCaso prácticoes_MX
dc.subjectPago referenciadoes_MX
dc.titleSistema de declaraciones y pagos (pago referenciado)es_MX
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Licenciatura

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