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Título : Estudio de la calidad del agua con filtro de zeolita
Autor : Rubio Ferrel, Ernesto
Asesor: Rodiles López, José Octavio
Rubio Ávalos, José Carlos
Palabras clave : info:eu-repo/classification/cti/3
Filtro zeolita
Fecha de publicación : feb-2023
Editorial : Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
Resumen : One of the priorities of the planet and humanity is the consumption of drinking water. On the one hand, people must be instilled with the importance of protecting and preserving the various sources of water for consumption, and on the other, look for alternatives for the purification of this. In Mexico there are many regions where populations suffer ill-nesses or die from poor water quality. Depending on this problem, a homemade filter was developed to optimize the quality of drinking water. The filter was made with a plastic bottle and adding cotton, activated carbon with silver, sea sand, silica sand, stones, a zeolite paste and again cotton. Each element has its own function, and in such a way, that the set of them guarantees the potability of the water. It should be noted that the zeolite paste was also made by us. The zeolite paste was made with activated carbon, silver bicarbonate, and water, and heated to 60°C for 24 hours for the formation of the paste. Field studies were conducted in the town of Madroño de Zinapécuaro, Michoacán, Mexico, and to study the functionality of the filter on the water that people drink from that place. The treated water sample was taken to CONAGUA, Morelia, Michoacán, to validate the water quality. Several parameters were evaluated: pH, color, turbidity, total alkalinity, total hardness, calcium hardness, magnesium hardness, sulfates, chlorides, nitrates, dissolved solids, and total and fecal coliforms.
One of the priorities of the planet and humanity is the consumption of drinking water. On the one hand, people must be instilled with the importance of protecting and preserving the various sources of water for consumption, and on the other, look for alternatives for the purification of this. In Mexico there are many regions where populations suffer ill-nesses or die from poor water quality. Depending on this problem, a homemade filter was developed to optimize the quality of drinking water. The filter was made with a plastic bottle and adding cotton, activated carbon with silver, sea sand, silica sand, stones, a zeolite paste and again cotton. Each element has its own function, and in such a way, that the set of them guarantees the potability of the water. It should be noted that the zeolite paste was also made by us. The zeolite paste was made with activated carbon, silver bicarbonate, and water, and heated to 60°C for 24 hours for the formation of the paste. Field studies were conducted in the town of Madroño de Zinapécuaro, Michoacán, Mexico, and to study the functionality of the filter on the water that people drink from that place. The treated water sample was taken to CONAGUA, Morelia, Michoacán, to validate the water quality. Several parameters were evaluated: pH, color, turbidity, total alkalinity, total hardness, calcium hardness, magnesium hardness, sulfates, chlorides, nitrates, dissolved solids, and total and fecal coliforms.
Descripción : Facultad de Químico Farmacobiología. Licenciatura como Químico Farmacobiólogo
URI : http://bibliotecavirtual.dgb.umich.mx:8083/xmlui/handle/DGB_UMICH/17719
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciatura

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