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Título : Memoria de experiencias en el servicio social en el centro de salud de la Poma del municipio de Penjamillo de Degollado, Michoacán, 2017-2018
Autor : Méndez Sánchez, Neftalí
Asesor: Lemus Loeza, Bárbara Mónica
Anguiano Morán, Ana Celia
Valencia Guzmán, María Jazmín
Palabras clave : info:eu-repo/classification/cti/3
Memoria de experiencia profesional
Servicio Social
Fecha de publicación : ago-2021
Editorial : Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
Resumen : The main theme of this work is based on the reports of the social service of the activities carried out in the period from August 1, 2017 to July 31, 2018 in the community of La Poma, the municipality of Penjamillo belonging to the health jurisdiction No. 6 La Piedad. The health center belongs to the municipality of Penjamillo in the state of Michoacán de Ocampo, the community of La Poma means “place of pomex stone”. It is located on the limits of Michoacán and Guanajuato, it is located at 1860 meters above sea level, with a population of 726 people the distance to the state capital is 126 kilometers. This document is structured in three chapters. The first presents the justification and the general and specific objectives. The second chapter describes in depth the descriptive and numerical report of the activities carried out in the health unit, which include technical, teaching and administrative activities. The chapter also includes the study of the community, describing the physical plant, the organization chart, the nursing staff, as well as specifying the methodology used for the study of the community, including the schedule of activities during social service and the instrument used for the data collection. Chapter three presents the conclusions of the document, as well as the bibliographic references, annexes and appendices. Objective. Apply theoretical and practical knowledge during the period of social service, describe the characteristics of the conditions in which the community of La Poma finds itself and the population that attends and corresponds to the health center.
The main theme of this work is based on the reports of the social service of the activities carried out in the period from August 1, 2017 to July 31, 2018 in the community of La Poma, the municipality of Penjamillo belonging to the health jurisdiction No. 6 La Piedad. The health center belongs to the municipality of Penjamillo in the state of Michoacán de Ocampo, the community of La Poma means “place of pomex stone”. It is located on the limits of Michoacán and Guanajuato, it is located at 1860 meters above sea level, with a population of 726 people the distance to the state capital is 126 kilometers. This document is structured in three chapters. The first presents the justification and the general and specific objectives. The second chapter describes in depth the descriptive and numerical report of the activities carried out in the health unit, which include technical, teaching and administrative activities. The chapter also includes the study of the community, describing the physical plant, the organization chart, the nursing staff, as well as specifying the methodology used for the study of the community, including the schedule of activities during social service and the instrument used for the data collection. Chapter three presents the conclusions of the document, as well as the bibliographic references, annexes and appendices. Objective. Apply theoretical and practical knowledge during the period of social service, describe the characteristics of the conditions in which the community of La Poma finds itself and the population that attends and corresponds to the health center.
Descripción : Facultad de Enfermería. Licenciatura en Enfermería
URI : http://bibliotecavirtual.dgb.umich.mx:8083/xmlui/handle/DGB_UMICH/18275
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciatura

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