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Título : Limitaciones para el acceso y uso de las TIC `s en el ámbito educativo en Copuyo, Michoacán
Autor : Pérez Vieyra, Maribel
Asesor: Vizcaíno López, María Teresa
Palabras clave : info:eu-repo/classification/cti/5
Exclusión social
Brecha digital
Fecha de publicación : may-2022
Editorial : Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
Resumen : The right to education is exercised to the extent that people, beyond having access to school, can fully develop, acquire knowledge, continue learning and thus achieve a full social life, which is why the lack of access to Information and Communication Technologies generate great threats of social exclusion, giving rise to certain population groups being discriminated against, opening the way to the reduction of rights such as freedom of expression and the right to information particularly in those communities belonging to rural areas, such is the case of the community of Copuyo municipality of Tzitzio Michoacán, where due to its demographic and socioeconomic characteristics are conditioned to the non-access and use of the internet, without leaving aside the cultural determinants faced by the digital divide such as language, education, literacy, inclusion, social marginalization and citizen participation, since the mastery and proper use of ICTs, as well as digital platforms and tools, raises dynamic learning, evidencing that it can be educated differently in the face of adversities arising in the world, being demonstrated that digital inclusion supposes enormous challenges to face and to be able to interact within a technological society, challenges that many teachers have had to face when exposing their technological skills in front of all those digital tools used through new technologies. That is why it is intended to address the benefits of free access to information and communication technologies in the community of Copuyo, with respect to their development in the educational field, the way in which they can be used in that community, their contribution and challenges that the population would face.
The right to education is exercised to the extent that people, beyond having access to school, can fully develop, acquire knowledge, continue learning and thus achieve a full social life, which is why the lack of access to Information and Communication Technologies generate great threats of social exclusion, giving rise to certain population groups being discriminated against, opening the way to the reduction of rights such as freedom of expression and the right to information particularly in those communities belonging to rural areas, such is the case of the community of Copuyo municipality of Tzitzio Michoacán, where due to its demographic and socioeconomic characteristics are conditioned to the non-access and use of the internet, without leaving aside the cultural determinants faced by the digital divide such as language, education, literacy, inclusion, social marginalization and citizen participation, since the mastery and proper use of ICTs, as well as digital platforms and tools, raises dynamic learning, evidencing that it can be educated differently in the face of adversities arising in the world, being demonstrated that digital inclusion supposes enormous challenges to face and to be able to interact within a technological society, challenges that many teachers have had to face when exposing their technological skills in front of all those digital tools used through new technologies. That is why it is intended to address the benefits of free access to information and communication technologies in the community of Copuyo, with respect to their development in the educational field, the way in which they can be used in that community, their contribution and challenges that the population would face.
Descripción : Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales. Maestría en Derecho de la Información
URI : http://bibliotecavirtual.dgb.umich.mx:8083/xmlui/handle/DGB_UMICH/6738
Aparece en las colecciones: Maestría

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