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Título : El problema sujeto-objeto en la filosofía occidental moderna y sus repercusiones en el hombre-cultura posmodernos, específicamente en el Derecho y la Ética
Autor : Moreno Diego, Luis
Asesor: Chávez Gutiérrez, Héctor
Palabras clave : info:eu-repo/classification/cti/5
Fecha de publicación : nov-2018
Editorial : Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
Resumen : In the cultural and ideological context of the late twentieth century, and from the epistemological structures of it, is there any real possibility of truthful support of knowledge, that is, there is an ontological background that supports such knowledge, or rather, is the propitious space of the mere doxa or opinion?; with greater specificity, in the subjectivist, relativistic demarcation of the postmodern world, is there any possibility of supporting in objective, real references, the law and ethics (legal theory-practice and ethical evaluation)? Such question-problem, is the center of the present investigation, therefore, the postmodern phenomenon can be placed as a material research object, while the formal referent of research is philosophical, through the historical-hermeneutic method, with the pretended point of arrival in law and ethics, projecting therefore a legal-ethical culmination, through the methodological conformation of a diagnostic model. We find, in this document, three moments, to mention, first a review-theoretical-historical foundation of the problem subject-object, in three paradigmatic references of Western thought, St. Thomas Aquinas, Immanuel Kant and Hegel; Next, a critical and doxographic review-review (from postmodern authors and their works) of the postmodern phenomenon appears, specifying the expression of postmodern culture and anthropology; finally, the repercussions of postmodernism in the legal and ethical field, finalizing the document the conclusive elements, where the configuration of the so-called diagnostic model is closed and simultaneously, a model of legal theory is proposed, for a further investigation, integrating the ontological foundation and the ethical dimension of the human subject.
In the cultural and ideological context of the late twentieth century, and from the epistemological structures of it, is there any real possibility of truthful support of knowledge, that is, there is an ontological background that supports such knowledge, or rather, is the propitious space of the mere doxa or opinion?; with greater specificity, in the subjectivist, relativistic demarcation of the postmodern world, is there any possibility of supporting in objective, real references, the law and ethics (legal theory-practice and ethical evaluation)? Such question-problem, is the center of the present investigation, therefore, the postmodern phenomenon can be placed as a material research object, while the formal referent of research is philosophical, through the historical-hermeneutic method, with the pretended point of arrival in law and ethics, projecting therefore a legal-ethical culmination, through the methodological conformation of a diagnostic model. We find, in this document, three moments, to mention, first a review-theoretical-historical foundation of the problem subject-object, in three paradigmatic references of Western thought, St. Thomas Aquinas, Immanuel Kant and Hegel; Next, a critical and doxographic review-review (from postmodern authors and their works) of the postmodern phenomenon appears, specifying the expression of postmodern culture and anthropology; finally, the repercussions of postmodernism in the legal and ethical field, finalizing the document the conclusive elements, where the configuration of the so-called diagnostic model is closed and simultaneously, a model of legal theory is proposed, for a further investigation, integrating the ontological foundation and the ethical dimension of the human subject.
Descripción : Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales. Doctorado interinstitucional en Derecho
URI : http://bibliotecavirtual.dgb.umich.mx:8083/xmlui/handle/DGB_UMICH/896
Aparece en las colecciones: Doctorado

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