Por favor, use este identificador para citar o enlazar este ítem: http://bibliotecavirtual.dgb.umich.mx:8083/xmlui/handle/DGB_UMICH/9451
Título : Centro ecoturístico en Puruándiro
Autor : Pantoja Iturbide, Diego
Asesor: Ruelas Cardiel, Víctor Manuel
Palabras clave : info:eu-repo/classification/cti/4
Fecha de publicación : oct-2012
Editorial : Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
Resumen : The present work will be discussed about an ecotourism center in Puruandiro Michoacán, where we will begin with the background, including some words that will facilitate the reading of this thesis, the importance of tourism today, as is currently located on the site, benefits that benefits that benefits that benefits that benefits that benefits that benefits that benefits that benefits that benefits that benefits that benefits that benefits that benefits that benefits that benefits that benefits that benefits that benefits that benefits that benefits that benefits that benefits that benefits that benefits that benefits that benefits that benefits that benefits that benefits that benefits that benefits They can be obtained if good management is done and finally who are the promoters and what is the objective of the project for them.
El presente trabajo se hablará sobre un Centro Ecoturístico en Puruándiro Michoacán, donde iniciaremos con los antecedentes, incluyendo algunas palabras que facilitaran la lectura de la presente tesis, la importancia del turismo en la actualidad, como se encuentra este actualmente en el sitio, beneficios que se pueden obtenerse si se hace un buen manejo y finalmente quienes son los promotores y cuál es el objetivo del proyecto para ellos.
Descripción : Facultad de Arquitectura. Licenciatura en Arquitectura
URI : http://bibliotecavirtual.dgb.umich.mx:8083/xmlui/handle/DGB_UMICH/9451
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciatura

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