Repositorio UMSNH

Listar por autor "Ibarra Carreón, Ismael Donaciano"

Listar por autor "Ibarra Carreón, Ismael Donaciano"

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  • García Méndez, Karla Gabriela (Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, 2007-05)
    In recent years the term emotional intelligence (EI) has been gaining strength and is becoming known by more people. But many still do not know exactly what it means. We could start by saying that the term Emotional ...
  • Ramírez Carmona, Julieta (Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, 2006-09)
    The aim of this study is to learn more about dealing Outsourcing or subcontracting (as often called this tool). It takes place for several years, but recently the issue has been released in the market because our country ...