How is he/she related the hermeneutics of the text and the hermeneutics of the itself in Paul Ricoeur? This will be the one problem rector of the present thesis. The theoretical proposal comes from this French thinker, him it develops topics that at the moment emerge inside this new tendency of the exercise philosophical. This speaker, without it really proposes in a direct way, in some text this relationship, provides elements to think it from its matters interests intellectuals. The figure of Ricoeur shows up in this thesis to facilitate the philosophical exploration of the culture and the action that it is the slope where we seek to move the approaches to the question before signal, from the positions of their Philosophy of the Reflection. Conscious that they are countless the thought currents that cross this philosophy, seek to define it to certain topics in her developed wide and strongly, and that at the moment we see placed in the debates of the philosophy of the culture, of the action in their relationship with the reflexive hermeneutics.
Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas. Facultad de Filosofía. Programa Institucional de Maestría en Filosofía de la Cultura