The objective of this investigation is, to establish the connections between some churches, located in the north of Michoacán state, which were built in the 19th century, and to demonstrate the way, that is was created a specific typology in architecture. This investigation it was orientated in two directions. One of them, made an approach of historic events that were presents in the moment that those churches were built. The second one, made an architectural analysis of each construction, this analysis is very important because is the way to create a specific typology. In special way, talk about the Carmen’s church, located in Celaya city, in the state of Guanajuato. The reason is because this construction, it was the first of this class and determinate many of the religious constructions that present a central tower in his façade and that was built in the north of Michoacán state, in the middle of 19th century.
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo, establecer las relaciones existentes entre el conjunto de templos que se localizan en el norte del estado de Michoacán cuya producción se ubica durante el siglo XIX y demostrar como es que, con ellos se genera la tipología formal de templos con nártex y torre central. Este estudio se realiza en dos sentidos, por una parte se hace una revisión histórica de los eventos que pudieron intervenir en el momento de su construcción y que en consecuencia determinan las relaciones entre cada caso de estudio. Por otro lado el análisis arquitectónico de cada uno de ellos es fundamental para la conformación de la tipología. De manera especial se aborda el caso del templo del Carmen ubicado en la Ciudad de Celaya, Guanajuato, como el modelo a partir del cual, surge este conjunto de templos en el norte del estado de Michoacán