In Mexico, Phaseolus vulgaris (common bean) and Zea mays (maize) demand the use of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers (NPF), which elevate the production costs when applied excessively. An alternative is to reduce and optimize the NPF with the plant beneficial endophyte fungi (PBPF) of Zea mays var. mexicana (teocintle). The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of the Aspergillus sp., Gliocladium sp. and Rhizopus sp. on P. vulgaris and Z. mays at 50% dose of the NPF. Under an experimental design consisting of 5 treatments, 6 repeats; the response variables were: phenotypping, plant height (PH) and root length (RL); biomass, root dry/fresh weight and shoot dry/fresh weight (RDW/RFW/SDW/SFW) the experimental data were analyzed with ANOVA/Tukey HDS. The results indicate that Aspergillus sp., Gliocladium sp. and Rhizopus sp. convert photosynthates of P. vulgaris and Z. mays in phytohormones. At the flowering stage Z. mays with Aspergillus sp. reached 96 cm on PH, a statistically different value from the 71 cm on PH registered on Z. mays or relative control (RC) without inoculation at 100% dose of NPF. Z. mays with Rhizopus sp. had 46 g on SFW, 11. 84 g on RFW, and 5.8 g on SDW, statistically different values from 12.65 g on SFW, 1.9 g on SDW and 1.6 g on RFW of Z. mays (RC). At the flowering stage P. vulgaris responded positively with Rhizopus sp. with an increase of 139.4 cm on PH, and 19.8 cm on RL, with a statistical difference at the 97 cm on PH and 14.2 cm on RL of P. vulgaris (RC). P. vulgaris with Gliocladium sp., had increased values at 15.32 g on SFW and 5.59 g on RFW, and were statistically different from 9.56 g on SFW and 3.92 cm on RFW of P. vulgaris or RC. In P. vulgaris with Aspergillus sp. a value of 1.25 g on RDW was registered, also statistically different from 0.69 g on P. vulgaris (RC).
En México, Phaseolus vulgaris L (frijol) y Zea mays L (maíz) demandan fertilizantes nitrogenado y fosforado (FNP), que en exceso elevan costo de producción. Una alternativa es reducir y optimizar los FNP con hongos endófitos benéficos vegetales (HEBV) de Zea mays var. mexicana (teocintle). El objetivo del trabajo fue analizar el efecto de Aspergillus sp. Gliocladium sp. y Rhizopus sp en P. vuglaris y Z. mays al 50 % del FNP. Bajo un diseño de 5 tratamientos, 6 repeticiones; las variables respuestas: fenología: altura de planta (AP), longitud de raíz (LR); biomasa peso fresco/seco aéreo, peso fresco/seco radical (PFA/PFR/PSA/PSR) los datos experimentales se analizaron con ANOVA/Tukey HDS. Los resultados indican que Aspergillus sp Gliocladium sp y Rhizopus sp convirtieron metabolitos de fotosíntesis de P. vulgaris y Z. mays en fitohormonas. A floración Z. mays con Aspergillus sp alcanzó 96 cm de AP, valores estadísticamente diferente a los 71 cm de AP, registrados en Z.mays o control relativo, sin inocular a dosis 100% de FNP. Z. mays con Rhizopus sp tuvo 46 g de PFA, y 11.84 g de PFR, y 5.8 g de PSA, valores estadísticos diferentes a 12.65 g de PFA, 1.9 g de PSA y 1.6 g de PFR de Z. mays (CR). A floración P. vulgaris respondió positivamente Rhizopus con aumento de 139.4 cm de AP, y 19.8 cm de LR, con diferencia estadística a los 97 cm en la AP, 14.2 cm de LR de P. vulgaris (CR). P. vulgaris con Gliocladium sp aumento de 15.32 g de PFA y 5.59 g de PFR, valores estadísticamente diferentes a 9.56 g de PFA y 3.92 g de PFR de P. vulgaris o CR. En P. vulgaris con Aspergillus sp registro 1.25 g de PSR valor estadísticamente diferente a los 0.69 g de P. vulgaris (CR).