In this thesis a regional study is presented whose main objective is to describe and explain the state of the missions during the administration of the Dominican friars in the peninsula of Baja California, at the end of the colonial period and during the establishment of the republican government. Our work is mainly focused on the work of continuing the missionary administration in the central and southern peninsular. That is to say, in the old missionary foundations made by the Jesuit sand the one founded by the Franciscans, San Fernando Velicatá. During the process - as we will try to explain - the Dominicans had to overcome a series of eventualities that involved them in a greater administrative responsibility. On the one hand, they had to face the gradual transition from the vice regal regime to the republican government, a stage where the support was sent in small increments and constantly mired in internal conflicts with the civil authorities. Also, the gradual decline of the indigenous population.
En este trabajo de tesis se presenta un estudio regional cuyo objetivo principal es describir y explicar el estado de las misiones durante la administración de los frailes dominicos en la península de Baja California, a fines del periodo colonial y durante la instauración del gobierno republicano. Nuestro trabajo está principalmente enfocado en la labor de continuar con la administración misional en el centro y sur peninsular. Es decir, en las antiguas fundaciones misionales hechas por los jesuitas y la que fundaron los franciscanos, San Fernando Velicatá. Durante el proceso -como trataremos de explicar- los dominicos tuvieron que sortear una serie de eventualidades que los envolvió en una mayor responsabilidad administrativa. Por una parte, tuvieron que enfrentar la paulatina transición del régimen virreinal al gobierno republicano, una etapa donde los apoyos se enviaban a cuentagotas y sumidos constantemente en conflictos internos con las autoridades civiles. También, el paulatino declive de la población indígena.