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Browsing Doctorado by Author "Valdez Lorenzo, José Ferrán"

Browsing Doctorado by Author "Valdez Lorenzo, José Ferrán"

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  • Morales Jiménez, Israel (Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo, 2020-05)
    The main contributions of this doctoral thesis are: 1. Alexander's method for infinite-type surfaces. For any infinite-type surface S possibly with non-empty boundary, there exist a collection τ of essential curves and ...
  • Ramírez Maluendas, Camilo (Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, 2015-09)
    Our dissertation thesis give us main results in two different branches of the mathematics, Differential Geometric and Combinatory. In the first one branch, we prove that the groups P and P 0 can be realized as Veech group ...
  • Niño Hernández, Rogelio (Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo, 2024-10)
    In this work we prove: 1) every orientable topological surface without boundary and finite genus admits at least one (in fact, uncountably many) Riemann surface structure, such that the group of quasiconformal homeomorphisms ...

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